first day and I feel like giving up! But I'm not got a 15�era to go to in July. I really want to look better in July. Hope to loose 30 pounds in 2 months.
I NEED to loose about 20- 30 pounds in about 2-3 months, I am 5' 4" and i am in my teens. I will do just loose 30 pounds 2 months about anything. So please give me your sugestions on what has helped .
Im 15, 204 pounds and 5 foot 11. I really want to loose 30 pounds over the summer break. Im a active person its just I drink alot of cokes and eat lots of junk food.
How do you lose 30 pounds in 2 months. Diet and exercize is a normal standard when planning to lose weight. Now, losing 30 pounds in 2 months is tricky.
im 15 and im overweight my current weight is 141 pounds and i would like 2 loose 30 pounds in 2 months
loose 30 pounds 2 months
what can i do? i no of stop eating junk foods but i would like .
okay i have been a phen user.the first time i used it i lost weight fast. this time i can't last saturday i went to a baby shower and i met the sister of the girl who the baby .
I weigh 165 and i'm 5'3 how can i loose 30 pounds within 2 months? 4 years ago; Report Abuse
. lifestyle and expect to lose 30 pounds in 3 months. . Hey, I need to lose around 25 pounds, You think I could do it in 2 months . Im trying to loose 30 pound in 3 months becuase I
. scale
that is accurate to .2 (two-hundredths of a pound). . to go on a diet, and in three months, I lost that 30 pounds. . tip, I might not beable to loose the 50 pounds in 3 months .
If i run for 30 mins a day can i loose 30 pounds in 2 months
Fastest & Easiest way to lose 10 pounds? I'm 5'6 and about 98 pounds. I want to lose 10 before swimsuit season. Easiest way? I have to avoid
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